Monday, July 25, 2011

Wonder How to get Beautiful Pictures?

Trying to get that perfect shot? Do you ever wonder how photographers make their images look sharp? Well, the magic does not happen by just the click of a button. It's not the camera that freezes a magical moment in time or the location that tells the story of a picture, it's the person behind the camera who dedicates each shot for perfection and uses their device properly... in manual mode!  Yes, step out of the box, get rid of auto shooting and into manual.  To get a beautiful exposure, you need to set your aperture (f stop), shutter speed and iso manually, according to your scene.  It's called  the "exposure triangle."  Make sure to select your focal point, then click! Oh, but if it was only that easy.  It takes lots of practice to shoot in manual & when I say lots, I mean LOTS.  So, don't get discouraged when your shooting in manual and see a completely black or white washed picture.  Keep practicing & remember, I was once just like you, trying to learn.
Check out the pictures below and judge for yourself.

Auto Setting:

Manual Setting:

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