Thursday, August 25, 2011

Help-Portrait 2011

It's almost that time of year again. Time for the season of giving. For the past 2 years I have been part of giving back to the community through Help-Portrait. There are genuine people who volunteer because it's what they love to do. The feeling you get by making someone else smile is an indescribable feeling.
So please take time this year to give back during the holiday season.
With that being said,
it's hard to imagine that there are people who have never had a family picture or even a self-portrait. That is what  Help-Portrait  is about. Giving people a photo that they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford. If you would like to help out, please contact me or head over to their website for more info. Read more about the events I was apart of here. Help-Portrait 2010 & Help-Portrait 2009

I love to volunteer. I love to help people when I can. I want to be the example to my girls by showing them that helping other people is a great thing to do because you never know when one day you will need that help. My 4 year old says she now wants to volunteer in the church and it gives me a such a rewarding feeling.

Grandparents Day!

It's almost grandparent's day. This year grandparent's day falls on September 11th. Have you thought about a gift yet? How about some quality pictures of their grandbabies. Im sure they will be a hit. What grandparent doesn't love to show off their grandkids. My girls are very lucky to have such active granparents in their lives and even luckier to have a great grandma & great grandpa.

Here is a 5x7 greeting card I made. Let me make you one for that special grandparent in your life.