When shooting in RAW the camera saves every piece of light and detail that hits your sensor. The best way it was explained to me was, "I wouldn't serve my family raw meat?"; "hmm...would I ?" Absolutely not! You would add some spices to it and cook it to your taste. Well the same goes with a RAW file. It's a raw piece of file that needs to be fixed up/ edited to your taste. RAW allows you to always fix your white balance and bring back details that were blown out. (over exposed) You can only edit a jpeg image so much before your image becomes grainy. In raw you can edit to the extreme and still get a perfect looking image. I only shoot in RAW and if you are looking into taking pictures dont be afraid to ask your photographer if they shoot RAW or JPEG. RAW is the way to go!
Now, when your reviewing your image on your camera in RAW it will not look as good as a jpeg but don't panic this happens because the small screen on your camera cant show you every detail.
Now my favorite part in digital photography is the photo editing. How I love to edit and manipulate pictures to make them look there best. This is where working with RAW files comes in handy, so you must have a software that can read RAW. Photo editing is great to remove distracting pieces from your image, correct your white balance, or just add some flavor. Don't be so boring. Be unique! Seeing how people can spice up there own images in there own way is what I like to see. Its amazing to see the difference of my untouched picture next to the edited one. Check out the power of editing.
This first picture of our lovely couple is straight out of the camera (sooc) and is completely untouched. The sun was setting so the light was behind them.
This second picture of our lovely couple I used my software to touch it up. Doesn't she just look like she's glowing?

This 3rd picture of our lovely couple is the exact same picture as the one above but I added texture. You can find some nice and free textures on Flickr. Like I said be creative. Ask your client what they like and their preferences. This picture would look great on a canvas.